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bulletAAC      aeronautical administrative communications
bulletAAIM    aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring
bulletABAS    aircraft-based augmentation
bulletACARS  aircraft communication addressing and reporting system
bulletACAS    airborne collision avoidance system
bulletACC      area control centre
bulletADS       automatic dependent surveillance
bulletADS-B   ADS-broadcast
bulletAFS       aeronautical fixed service
bulletAFTN    aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
bulletAIDC     ATS inter-facility data communications
bulletAIP        aeronautical information publication
bulletAIREP    air-report
bulletAIS        aeronautical information service
bulletALLPIRG        All Chairmen of the Planning and Implementation Regional Groups
bulletAMSS    aeronautical mobile-satellite service
bulletANC      Air Navigation Commission
bulletANP       regional air navigation plan
bulletANS       air navigation services
bulletANSEP  Air Navigation Services Economics Panel
bulletAOC      aeronautical operational control
bulletAPC       aeronautical passenger communications
bulletAPIRG   AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group
bulletASD       AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe
bulletASDE     airport surface detection equipment
bulletASECNA        Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar
bulletASM      airspace management
bulletATC       air traffic control
bulletATCAA Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace
bulletATCO    air traffic controller
bulletATFM    air traffic flow management
bulletATIS      automatic terminal information service
bulletATM      air traffic management
bulletATN       aeronautical telecommunication network
bulletATS       air traffic services
bulletATSC     air traffic services communications
bulletBORPC  Basic Operational Requirements and Planning Criteria
bulletCAA      Civil Aviation Administration
bulletCAPS     civil aviation purchasing service
bulletCASITAF        CNS/ATM Systems Implementation Task Force
bulletCATCs   civil aviation training centres
bulletCDTI      cockpit display of traffic information
bulletCNS       communications, navigation and surveillance
bulletCNS/ATM       communications, navigation, and surveillance / air traffic management
bulletCOCESNA     Central American Safety Services Corporation
bulletDARP    dynamic air route planning
bulletD-ATIS  digital-automatic terminal information  service
bulletDCPC    direct controller-pilot communications
bulletEANPG  European Air Navigation Planning Group
bulletEATMS  European ATM System
bulletEBAA    European Business Aviation Association
bulletECAC    European Civil Aviation Conference
bulletEU          European Union
bulletEurocontrol      European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation
bulletFANS    Special Committee on Future Air Navigation Systems
bulletFANS Phase 11           Special Committee for the Monitoring and Co -ordination of Development and Transition Planning for the Future Air Navigation System
bulletFASID   Facilities and Services Implementation Document
bulletFDPS     flight data processing system
bulletFIC        flight information centre
bulletFIR         flight information region
bulletFIS         flight information service
bulletFMS       flight management system
bulletFPL        flight plan
bulletFUA       flexible use of airspace
bulletGBAS    ground-based augmentation systems
bulletGES       ground earth stations
bulletGLONASS      global orbiting navigation satellite system
bulletGMU      global positioning system monitoring unit
bulletGNSS    global navigation satellite system
bulletGPS       global positioning system
bulletHF          high frequency
bulletHMI       human-machine interface
bulletIAOPA   International Council of aircraft Owner and pilot association
bulletIATA      International Air Transport Association
bulletICAO     International Civil Aviation Organization
bulletIFALPA International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations
bulletIFATCA International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations
bulletIFR         instrument flight rules
bulletILS         instrument landing system
bulletIMC       instrument meteorological conditions
bulletISO-OSI          International Organization for Standardization - Open Systems Interconnection
bulletJAA        Joint Aviation Authorities
bulletLAAS     local area augmentation system
bulletMAP      aeronautical charts
bulletMASPS  minimum aircraft system performance specifications
bulletMET       meteorological services for air navigation
bulletMMR     multimode receiver
bulletMNPS    minimum navigation performance specifications
bulletMNT      Mach number technique
bulletMWO    meteorological watch office
bulletNAT SPG        North Atlantic Systems Planning Group
bulletNATO    North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
bulletNOTAM          notice to airmen
bulletNPA       non -precision approach
bulletNPV       net present value
bulletOPMET operational metrological information
bulletPA          precision approach
bulletPANS    Procedures for Air Navigation Services
bulletPANS-ATM    Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Air Traffic Management (Doc 4444)
bulletPAR       precision approach radar
bulletPAX Association          Passenger Association
bulletPIRG      planning and implementation regional group
bulletPSR        primary surveillance radar
bulletR&D      research and development
bulletRAeS     Royal Aeronautical Society
bulletRAFC    regional area forecast centre
bulletRAIM     receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
bulletRAs        resolution advisories
bulletRCC       rescue coordination centre
bulletRCP       required communication performance
bulletRF          radio frequency
bulletRFI         RF interference
bulletRGCSP  Review of the General Concept of Separation Panel
bulletRNAV    area navigation
bulletRNP       required navigation performance
bulletRSP        required surveillance performance
bulletRTSP     required total systems performance
bulletRVSM    reduced vertical separation minimum
bulletSARPs   Standards and Recommended Practices
bulletSBAS     satellite-based augmentation
bulletSIDs       standard instrument departures
bulletSIGWX  significant weather
bulletSMGCS surface movement guidance and control systems
bulletSSR        secondary surveillance radar
bulletSTARs   standard instrument arrivals
bulletSTDMA self-organizing time division multiple access
bulletSTP        standardized training package
bulletSUA       special use airspace
bulletTAF       aerodrome forecast
bulletTCB       Technical Co -operation Bureau
bulletTCDC    Technical Co-operation amongst Developing Countries
bulletTDMA   time division multiple access
bulletTMA      Terminal Control Area
bulletUTC       Co-ordinated Universal Time
bulletVAAC    volcanic ash advisory centre
bulletVDL       VHF digital link
bulletVFR       visual flight rules
bulletVHF       very high frequency
bulletVMC      visual meteorological conditions
bulletVOLMET        meteorological information for aircraft in flight
bulletVORVHF        omni-directional radio range
bulletVSM      vertical separation minimum
bulletWAFC   world area forecast centre
bulletWAFS    world area forecast system

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Last updated: 07-08-2005.