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AIR LAW - Air Law Instruments

Since it was adopted at the Chicago Conference of 1944, the Convention on International Civil Aviation (also known as the Chicago Convention) has been accepted by 185 countries throughout the world. The international community has also adopted a number of other legal instruments relevant to the work of ICAO. This section reviews the status, as at 30 June 2000, of the Chicago Acts (i.e. the Chicago Convention, amendments and related agreements) and other relevant international air law instruments.

The first part of the status report indicates the total number of parties that have ratified or otherwise accepted each international air law instrument and, if applicable, the date the legal instrument entered into force. The table on the following pages indicates the current status of the instruments on a country-by-country basis. 


Chicago Convention (1944)

Membership in ICAO 185 parties;

In force: 4.4.47

Article 93 bis (1947) Expulsion or suspension

97 ratifications; In force: 20.3.61

Article 45 (1954) Seat of Organization

124 ratifications; In force: 16.5.58

Articles 48(a),49(e) and 61 (1954)

Frequency of Assembly sessions and budgets

128 ratifications; In force: 12.12.56

Article 48(a) (1962) Extraordinary Assembly at request of one-fifth of Contracting States 103 ratifications;

In force; 11.9.75

Article 56

Increase of AHC to:•15 members (1971)

120 ratifications; In force: 19.12.74

Increase of AHC to :• 19 members (1989) 80 ratifications;

Not in force: 108 ratifications required

Article 50(a)

Increase of Council to: •27 members(1961)

122 ratifications; In force: 17.7.62

Increase of Council to: • 30 members (1971)

118 ratifications; In force: 16.1.73

Increase of Council to: • 33 members (1974)

114 ratifications; In force: 15.2.80

Increase of Council to: • 36 members (1990)

79 ratifications; Not in force: 108 ratifications required

Final Clause (1977) Referring to authentic Russian text

99 ratifications; In force: 17.8.99

Article 83 bis (1980) Lease, charter or interchange

118 ratifications; In force: 20.6.97

Article 3 bis (1984) Non-use of weapons against civil aircraft

114 ratifications; In force; 1.10.98

Final Clause (1995)

Referring to the authentic Arabic text

30 ratifications; Not in force: 122

ratifications required

Final Clause (1998) Referring to the authentic Chinese text

13 ratifications; Not in force: 124

ratifications required

Protocol on authentic

trilingual text (1968)

143 parties; In force: 24.10.68

Protocol on authentic

quadrilingual text (1977)

68 parties; In force: 16.9.99

Protocol on authentic

quinquelingual text (1995)

46 parties; Not in force: pending entry

into force of final clause

Protocol on authentic six-language text (1998)

29 parties; Not in force:

pending entry into force of final clause

International Air Services Transit

Agreement (1944)

Two freedoms of the air

118 parties; In force: 30.1.45

International Air Transport

Agreement (1944)

Five freedoms of the air

12 parties; In force: 8.2.45

Warsaw Convention (1929)

Rules for international carnage by air

149 parties; In force: 13.2.33

Geneva Convention (1948)

Recognition of rights in aircraft

85 parties; In force; 17.9.53

Rome Convention (1952)

Damage to third parties on surface

45 parties; In force: 4.2.58

The Hague Protocol (1955)

Amending Warsaw Convention of 1929

131 parties; In force: 1.8.63

Guadalajara Convention (1961)

Supplementing Warsaw Convention of l929

82 parties; In force: 1.5.64

Tokyo Convention (1963)

Offences and other acts committed on board aircraft 170 parties;

In force: 4.12.69

The Hague Convention (1970)

Unlawful seizure of aircraft

173 parties; In force: 14.10.71

Guatemala Protocol (1971)

Amending Warsaw Convention of 1929 as

amended by The Hague Protocol of 1955

7 ratifications; * Not in force: 30 ratifications by signatory States required, subject to certain conditions

Montreal Convention (1971)

Unlawful acts against the safety of civil aviation

174 parties; In force: 26.1.73

Additional Protocol No. 1(1975)

Amending Warsaw Convention of 1929

46 parties; In force: 15.2.96

Additional Protocol No. 2 (1975)

Amending Warsaw Convention of 1929 as

amended by The Hague Protocol of 1955

48 parties; In force: 15.2.96

Additional Protocol No. 3 (1975)

Amending Warsaw Convention of 1929 as amended by The Hague Protocol of 1955 and Guatemala City Protocol of 1971


Not in force:

30 ratifications by signatory States required

Montreal Protocol No. 4 (1975)

Amending Warsaw Convention of 1929

as amended by The Hague Protocol of 1955

49 parties; In force: 14.6.98

Montreal Protocol (1978)

Amending Rome Convention of 1952

3 ratifications;

 **Not in force: 5

ratifications by signatory States required

Montreal Supplementary Protocol (1988)2

Acts of violence at airports

102parties; In force: 6.8.89

Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection (1991)

60 parties; In force: 21.6.98

Montreal Convention (1999) Rules for international carriage by air

3 ratifications; Not in force; 30 ratifications required


1. The Government of the United States is the depositary of the Chicago Contention, the International Air Services Transit Agreement, the International Air Transport Agreement and the Protocols relating to the Authentic Trilingual, Quadrilingual, Quinquelingual and Six. Language Texts of the Chicago Convention ICAO is the depositary of the fifteen

Protocols of Amendment to the Chicago Convention.

2. ICAO is the depositary of the Geneva, Rome and Tokyo Conventions, the Montreal Protocol (or the amendment of the Rome Convention, the Guatemala City Protocol, the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection and the Montreal Convention (1999) The Government of Poland is the depositary of the Warsaw Convention,

The Hague Protocol, Additional Protocols Nos. 1, 2 and 3 and Montreal Protocol No.4 and the Government of Mexico, the depositary of the Guadalajara Convention. Depositaries of The Hague and Montreal (1971) Conventions are the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. These three governments, together with ICAO, are also the depositaries of the Montreal Supplementary Protocol.

* In addition, live accessions have been received which are reflected in the table on the following pages.

** In addition, three accessions have been received

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Last updated: 07-08-2005.