Communications Plan

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Communications Plan


The Communications Plan is to define the methodology, process and procedures that will be used on the Project to conform to Management Procedures:

·       Governance Review,

·       Terms of reference for the Project Board,

·       Project Status Reporting, and

·       Stakeholder Management.

The Communications Plan is to define all parties with an interest in the project and the means and frequency of communication between them and the Project.

Derivation and Source Requirements

The Communication Plan will be derived from the Project Management Processes.

The Project Management Plans, organisation and structure will also be used to derive the Communications Plan.


As a minimum the Communications Plan will define for all interested parties:

·       The information required,

·       Who provides the information,

·       Frequency of communication,

·       Method of communication (medium, document template, etc), and

·       Escalation and reporting of Risks, Issues and concerns.

The communication plan will define how the Project Team members communicate with other projects and departments that is peer to peer communications.

Quality Criteria

Does the Communications Plan provide sufficient assurance that Project Management Processes, as listed above, will be complied with?

Are all the stakeholders identified and their communication requirements defined?

Have all the listed sources of information been checked?

Has a common standard been considered?

Has time to carry out the identified communications been identified and resourced?

Does the communication plan adequately define all reporting requirements?

Quality Method and Skills

The Communications Plan will be developed by the Project Team and reviewed by the Team Leaders.

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Last updated: 07-08-2005.