Investment Proposal

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Investment Proposal


The Investment Proposal (IP) provides a statement and assurance to the Project board that the Project can precede to the next Phase.  A successful IP will result in an Investment Action being agreed by the Project Board.

The IP will be developed to support and implement Investment Planning.

Derivation and Source Requirements

The results and outputs from the current Phase are used to provide the necessary assurance that the Project can proceed to the next phase.


The IP will define:

·       A unique reference number,

·       A statement as to whether or not this IP is Safety related,

·       Title, originator and sponsor,

·       Primary Business Driver,

·       Scope,

·       Dependencies and Enablers,

·       Rationale,

·       Business Need and Benefits,

·       Requested Operational Date,

·       Phase Start Date,

·       Estimated Cost,

·       Approval and sign-off.

Quality Criteria

Does the information on the IP provide sufficient assurance for the Project board to agree that the Project can move to the next Phase?

Has the IP provided sufficient assurance for the Project to proceed to the next Phase?

If necessary, are all the recommendations, concerns and issues that have been raised by the Project board documented?

Are there plans or actions to address any recommendations, concerns and issues that have been raised by the Project board?

 Quality Method and Skills

The IP will be prepared by the Project Manager and submitted to the Project board.

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Last updated: 07-08-2005.